Moving from high school to college is a big step, and it brings with it a new level of freedom as well as new challenges. Being prepared can go a long way towards helping you thrive as you settle in to your new lifestyle.
So what can you expect?
A need for self-discipline
Although you may not have back-to-back classes as you did in school, for every lecture (and do yourself a favour and attend these), you’ll also need extra time to study.
To make sure you’re always up to date and prepared for the next lecture, set up a schedule that works for you. It’s also your responsibility to make sure you understand what you’re learning, so take advantage of your lecturers’ expert knowledge and ask questions whenever necessary.
A new group of friends
Some of your old friends may be joining you at college while others will be moving in different directions. You’ll also be meeting a whole new group of people, many of them from very different cultures and backgrounds. Be open to connecting with classmates you might not have thought you’d have anything in common with. You could be surprised, and you’ll definitely expand your horizons.
A few moral dilemmas
How you balance your responsibility to yourself (and whoever is paying your bills) to do well in your studies, and also take full advantage of all the new experiences you have access to, is just one of the dilemmas you will need to solve. You’ll also be exposed to temptations that could be detrimental to your health and reputation. Decide up front that you will find the balance that works for you between study and play, make good choices for yourself and do your best to stick to them. The bottom line is that you’ll be taking on a much greater level of responsibility for your life and how you manage it. The question is – are you up to the challenge?