What's next after highschool?
The world of education and careers is changing fast! Once upon a time getting a degree was your golden ticket to success. Well that idea is changing quickly. Don’t get me wrong, getting a degree is still crucial for certain sectors but there are a ton of new and exciting options you can explore. There are a variety of short courses and/or 1-year full-time courses that you can undertake to learn valuable new skills and broaden your horizons. Education and learning new skills is something no one can take away from you. Maybe there is a skill that you have always wanted to learn but never had time for?

Are you thinking of completing a course while you wait for university applications? Here are a few reasons that is a really smart move:
1. You Will Learn Valuable Skills
It can feel incredibly disappointing if you find out there is no more space at the university of your choice and your next steps aren’t so clear. But the good news is: your journey is far from over. Completing a one-year certificate course in a creative arts field can be exactly what you need while you ponder your next steps. Completing a creative arts course like Filmmaking, Sound Engineering or Graphic Design, will teach you skills and help unlock your creativity. Plus, creativity can help you with problem solving. This is a huge asset no matter what career path you end up following. Creativity will always give you an edge. You will learn new skills that you can use in whatever future career path you choose to take and the variety of creative arts fields that are open to you could all serve you well one day. For instance, having Graphic Design or Filmmaking skills can help you create and build your own business one day. Being able to do Photography can help create a side hustle while you are studying further or creating your empire. All of these are possible if you undertake a one-year creative arts certificate.
2. You Will Utilise Your Time Wisely
When I was younger and had just finished my degree, I struggled with whether to continue my studies or not and someone said to me “the time will pass anyway.” And so what did I do? I jumped at the opportunity to keep learning instead of just sitting around and waiting for life to happen to me. That is the one thing that we can all agree on – time passes and it does so quickly! So it is crucial not to waste any time and to use the time that we have the best we can. One way that you can do that is by ensuring that your ‘gap year’ or the year that you take to wait for a spot at varsity is used optimally. Completing a short course will teach you skills and keep you motivated and boost your confidence. If you gain a new skill you will be able to stand out in the workplace. It might also help broaden your horizons and expose you to different industries.
3. You Will Broaden Your Horizons
Finding out there are no more spots at varsity can be scary and frustrating you might be tempted to stay at home and wait for things to magically work out. But what if your year could be way more than just hanging around and killing time? What if it is about learning a new skill and having a blast and meeting amazing new people while doing it? Doing a one-year certificate course as a part of your gap year will give you time to figure out your next steps while learning valuable skills. In this way you will also be exposed to different industries and might even discover that you love the creative arts more than what you originally intended to study.
4. You Will Not Need to be on a Waiting List
There are no waiting lists or stressful applications. You can register today and start your creative career sooner than you realise. You get to start soon and do not have to wait to find out whether you have been accepted – this can be stressful within itself so isn’t it nice to know you can cut out that gruelling part of the process. In addition, you can register and study your one-year course while you are waiting for the next admission cycle at university to open.

1-Year Full-time Courses offered at our Johannesburg Campus
1-Year Full-time Courses offered at our Pretoria Campus
A university degree is still an incredibly valuable option, but it is not the only way to a successful future. If the universities that you have applied to are full or over-enrolled, a one-year certificate in a practical, skills-based course, could be exactly what you need to keep expanding your knowledge, gain skills, broaden your network and have some fun while you are at it. If you still want to go to university you can do that and now you have something extra to add to your CV and you get to show that you did not simply wait around but that you actually used your time productively and that you worked on gaining crucial skills!
Whether you are waiting for university applications or just exploring your option, a one-year certificate could be the next step towards your extraordinary future! Ready to get started? Have a look at the exciting creative courses Oakfields College has to offer and start your journey towards an extraordinary future today!